Fast, Precise & Effective Recruiting

Our Geofence Recruiting process is unique in that we target quality Recruits via their mobile ID’s (no cookies required). Our unique approach allows us to focus recruitment efforts on specific geographic areas where there is a higher concentration of qualified candidates, ie. your competitor’s plants & locations, colleges, neighborhoods, etc.

These Geofences are matched with Audience demographic, education, work skill, and behavioral data in order to reach the most precise custom audience in the industry. This combination of geo & audience data leads to increased engagement from candidates as they are more likely to pay attention to job opportunities that are relevant to their current location and life stage.

Realtime Response + CRM Integration

Our platform integrates with your CRM to automatically upload leads as they come in so your team can followup immediately.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that quality Recruits appreciate your effort to target them as it shows how much you value them as a potential candidate. 
The best candidates typically want to learn more about your company, often through conversation.

Key Industries That We Serve
  • Healthcare
  • Warehousing
  • Food processing (poultry)
  • Construction
  • Finance
  • Technology
  • Education
  • Agriculture
  • Retail
  • Manufacturing