3 Grocery Shoppers You Must Win

And breakthrough digital tactics to give you an edge against your competitors

The landscape for grocery is rapidly changing. As retailers struggle to adapt, supplier marketing teams are often left to find innovative ways to drives sales and strengthen loyalty on their own.

Everyone talks about how mobile data is extremely powerful and can be used to reach retail shoppers. Yet at the same time, there’s a lot of confusion. Sometimes geofencing becomes just another word for targeting the general market around a store. Behavioral marketing is sometimes reduced to, “Hey, we can place your ad on that one news site you know your audience likes.” Again, this is barely scratching the surface of how hyper-targeted and high-performing your media campaigns could and should be.

Alright, so how do you actually begin planning how to reach more specific audiences in more precise ways? Let’s look at 3 key grocery shoppers you need to win in 2019 and how to reach them.

On-the-go Grocery Shopper

Smaller trips and baskets are the new reality for grocery. The stock-up trip isn’t going away, but it’s certainly changing shape.

Channel-specific marketers, like a Walmart supplier, need to embrace the reality that shoppers shop around. They likely aren’t getting all their grocery needs met in one place. This means that if you’re still putting all your eggs into marketing to the traditional stock-up super shopper, you’re missing a big piece of the pie.

Whether it’s picking up a quick meal after work or grabbing bananas and other staples, small baskets require more thoughtful, precise messaging. Here are a few hyper-targeted media tactics to help you reach this audience…

Solution: Retarget Your Fresh Frequent-Flyers. Retargeting is a method of advertising that basically uses a past activity of the customer to trigger your advertisements. So imagine if you could follow people home who have visited the fresh, meat & produce sections of the store and show them relevant ads for your brand. By leveraging our proprietary BrandLift database of Walmart in-store geofences, you can actually advertise specifically to customers who frequently visit this section of the store – while they’re at home, at work or on the go.

Solution: Engage Online Grocery Customers. Online grocery is increasingly becoming a go-to for busy professionals and growing families, especially for smaller fill-in orders. Unfortunately there are almost no methods in place for marketing to this specific audience today – that’s why we build our BrandLift platform. Now you can actually capture mobile IDs of everyone who has a smartphone and visits the Online Grocery pickup areas at Walmart stores across the country.

The Entertainer With the Munchies

From frozen appetizers & desserts to snacks, there’s a particular type of Walmart shopper with a sweet tooth and love for good times. You need a targeted way to reach this audience, while filtering out the rest of the Walmart shoppers.

Solution: Combine Behavioral Cues with In-store Activity. When it comes to the sweet and savory, consumers are much more particular about their brands. So how do you leverage this insight when launching a geofencing campaign? With the BrandLift platform, you can actually retarget not only frequent visitors to key sections of the store, like the freezer & dairy section, but you can hone in on just those shoppers most attached to your brand or your competitor’s brand. By using our behavioral data on customer’s brand preference, you can deliver a truly targeted geofencing campaign that no one else in your category will be able to come close to.

The Household Essentials Shopper

Whether it’s small fill-in trips of bath tissue, dish soap and detergent, or more complete stock-up visits to the household & cleaning sections of a store, you have a captive audience waiting to be engaged.

Solution: Unlock time & place: Switching household products is all about a simple, compelling incentive or story that gets you on the list. The beauty of stocking up on these items is that we can somewhat anticipate the cadence. So imagine using an advertising platform that could specifically allow you to run advertisements only to customers who have visited the household paper section of a store in the last 30-60 days? You’d have the power of predicting when they were most likely building their lists and gearing up for the next stock-up or fill-in. There are many ways to combine frequency, recency & location data, but this is one solution that can unlock huge opportunities for your advertising campaigns.

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